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Highlight & Takeaways

Session 75

What Are My Chances of Getting into Med School?

In today’s episode, I have a heart-to-heart talk with you to hopefully put your mind at ease.

“What are my chances of getting into medical school?” This is the question every premed student has. But this stressful question is ultimately a waste of your energy and time.

Listen to this podcast episode with the player above, or keep reading for the highlights and takeaway points.

Your Chances of Getting into Medical School

Here’s the ultimate response to the question, “What are my chances of getting into medical school?

Your chance of getting to medical school is 0% if you don’t apply. If you do apply, your chances of getting into medical school are 100% individual to your application.

Your chance of getting to medical school is 0% if you don't apply.Click To Tweet

You’re 100% Different

You are an individual applicant applying to individual medical schools based on your preferences. So your application tells a story that is 100% different from every other application submitted.

Your personal statement, letters of recommendation, experiences, and reasons for applying are different from any other student.

Your Why Separates You from Everybody Else

Don’t fill your application with fluff. Remember, what you do is not all that matters. Why you do it means so much more. Fill your application with activities that you’re actually doing for a reason that matters to you, and you’ll be able to tell a much better story than other applicants.

Fill your application with activities that actually matter to you, and you'll be able to tell a much better story than other applicants.Click To Tweet

It’s your why that separates you from everybody else. And that’s what’s going to come across in your personal statement and interview. Your passion and impact will come through.

[Related episode: Your MCAT and GPA Don’t Matter as Much as You Think.]

Tell Your Why.

Your “why” is more powerful than your numbers. Do the best you can with your MCAT and GPA, but figure out why you’re doing this to be able to tell a much better story than anybody else. It’s okay not to have the perfect MCAT or GPA.

Your 'why' is more powerful than your numbers.Click To Tweet

It’s not all about the numbers. It’s about your story.

Find your story. Build your story. Tell your story.

Links and Other Resources

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