Should You Come Out as LGBTQ in Your Medical School Applications?
The medical school application is your chance to show the admissions committee who you are,…
From Pharmaceutical Sales Rep to Physician
Session 288 This student wants to know if their experience as a pharmaceutical sales rep…
Do I Need a Postbac to Overcome An Inconsistent uGPA Trend?
Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts Session 148 Our premed today has a good uGPA, but…
How Can I Recover From a Downward Trend in My GPA?
Session 147 Our student today is concerned about his downward trend. But what does a…
How Should I Convey Advancement on My Med School App?
Session 286 Today’s nontrad is the GM at a bakery. With their eyes now set…
Live Q&A on MCAT Prep Strategies, Med School Apps & More!
Session 456 In this week’s IG Q&A, I’m joined by Dorothy from Blueprint MCAT. We…
Should I Share My Love for Ortho in My Personal Statement?
Session 145 How do you express your interest in a specific specialty on your application…
Do I Need Another Degree or Can I Take Individual Classes?
Session 285 This student has a 3.89 GPA with dual degrees in art and design…
How Can I Get Into Medical School After All These Fs?
Session 284 Our student today is in her 30s and wants to go to med…
Are Volunteer Hours Really Necessary?
Session 283 Does one really need to volunteer? Would schools frown upon lack of hours…