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Highlight & Takeaways

Thank You!

Thank you, UMD AMSA members, for letting Allison and myself join you for a great meeting.

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We truly hope you got something out of it. Please do not hesitate to ask us any questions in the future. We like emails, but love voicemail feedback even more! We can play the voicemail on the podcast and answer your question for many people to hear. You can go to the Feedback page to do that.

Here is a recording of our meeting, as well as some other resources.

2008 Science Article about the MCAT

MCAT Practice Test Review Method

Get a spreadsheet and put in the following information
mcat review table
Here are the categories to use.

1.      Silly Mistake.   You reread the questions and wonder how you missed it

2.      Content not yet covered and not what subject.  Once we cover it, come back and review the question

3.      Content we have covered but I don’t understand.   Bring these questions to office hours and ask your teachers.

4.      You got this question the easy way (Usually this means without having to do calculations).

5.      You got this question the hard way.

6.      You guessed

To get an idea of what your optimal score is, count up your silly mistakes and questions on content not covered.  Add up just your silly mistakes and usually 2.5 questions is a point.   This is now what your score should have been if you cut silly mistakes out.  Then add up the questions not covered yet and 2.5 questions is a point.  Find out how many points we have not covered and subtract from 15 for each section.  You know now what you should have scored and what the highest score you should have gotten was.    These numbers are a much better indicator of where you are in relation to your goal.

Top MCAT Podcasts

Interview with a top Princeton Review instructor about MCAT tips

Interview with head of Kaplan’s MCAT2015 Transition

The Academy

If you liked this information, there is so much more, as well as a great community at the Academy. Come see what it’s about!

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