Today’s episode is a special one as I’m sharing with you a talk I gave at the University of Florida for their AMSA Premed Club Meeting. I touch on topics like crafting your personal story, medical school interview tips, and more!
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Listen to this podcast episode with the player above, or keep reading for the highlights and takeaway points.
A lot of people can tell you that you can’t go to medical school or that you can’t get in because there are too many of you applying. In fact, I heard that spiel from a premed advisor, specifically in my Sophomore year. I never went to her again. Instead, I went to a group of premed students for support and advice.
'You're not competing against each other. Every day, you're only competing against yourself to get into medical school.'Click To TweetCollaborate with each other. There are enough seats to get into medical school for those of you who deserve it.
There are really terrible applicants out there and they shouldn’t be applying to medical school. So when you see those stats, they can really look dismal. You think you have to be a perfect student to get into medical school. But you don’t.
You have to have a good enough GPA and good enough MCAT score. You also have to have your story. There are a lot of students with great scores but get zero interviews. Your grades are not an easy-in for medical school.
'You have to have your story.'Click To TweetThere are students out there with super great stats but zero shadowing experience and zero clinical experience. And they don’t get in.
Medical schools don’t want a perfect student. You can get a C in organic chemistry. Or you can get multiple withdrawals and still get into medical school. You don’t have to be a perfect applicant. But the story in your personal statement – secondary essays, and interviews – is what makes or breaks your application.
You may need to go and do a postbac. You may need to take some more classes after you graduate to prove to yourself and prove to medical schools that you are academically qualified to finish medical school.
Medical schools want to make sure that you’re academically capable of finishing medical school.
Medical school is hard. But you don’t have to be a genius to finish medical school. A lot of students struggle with grades but they still finished it. Why? Because they work hard. Medical school is a whole another level than undergrad.
Some students may need to do a special master’s program or master of science to improve their GPA. Some may even have to take the MCAT twice or four times.
I’ve talked to dozens of deans of medical school admission committee members and students who have kicked out of undergrad and have been arrested for various reasons. All of them have fought their way back to get into medical school.
If you failed your test last week and if you’re going to fail a test next week, or drop out a semester, understand that if this is what you want to do, then figure out a way to do it. It will be a part of your story when you’re applying to medical school.
'At the end of the day, everything you will have to go through will help you be a better physician.'Click To TweetThey want to see you’ve overcome the challenges you’ve had. Everyone has challenges they’ve overcome, whether big or small. What you’ve done with what you’ve been given in life is important. And this is your story!
When you’re applying to medical school, think about your story not just from your stats, but from when you first realize that healthcare was something you’re interested in.
You could say you love science and you like to help people but that’s not a reason to be a physician. That is the base layer just like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. But you have to build on that. You do that through shadowing experiences and clinical experiences.
'Figure out your story.'Click To TweetWhen it’s time to apply to medical school, everyone looks the same. You’ve all done things to work on your application What helps you stand apart is the way you’re able to tell your story.
Start thinking about what was about your experience that really confirmed or solidified in your mind that this is why you want to be a physician. The more you can tell that story, the better your application will be.
If there are bumps along the way – withdrawal, a couple of F’s, etc. – tell that story too because it matters.
If you’ve messed up and you have some issues in your application, own up to it.
If you’ve messed up and you have some issues in your application, own up to it. If you were caught cheating on a test, then own up to it. Don’t blame others for it. No matter what happens in this journey, go for it! Fix your mistakes, continue on, and don’t give up.
'If you have a mistake, own up to it.'Click To TweetWhen I applied to the University of Colorado and got rejected, it felt like I was being told that I can’t be a doctor. But what was really being said to me is “not right now.” they invited me for an interview, but there were some things I needed to fix. So I fixed them and reapplied.
'Whether you're applying for a job or medical school or residency, when you get those no's, it's not a no but 'not right now.'Click To TweetKeep pushing forward and keep going down this journey because it’s ana amazing journey. Even though physicians are telling you it’s not worth it, trust me, it is. It’s a long path but enjoy it.
Enjoy your day every day. And things can get miserable and it seems like neverending but you just have to keep on.
Students go in with an agenda of proving how empathetic or compassionate they are. That’s not your job in the interview. Your job is to go and have a conversation, not to prove yourself or sell yourself.
The admissions committee members and the interviewers don’t want to be sold to. They want to have a conversation.
The biggest feedback that I get from the deans of admissions from their interviewees is that they walk out of the room and not knowing who the student is.
'Go in and treat it like a coffee shop conversation.'Click To TweetYou need to get them and they are hard to get. Call some private practices and some physicians out in the community and see if you can shadow. Try to ask if you can be a volunteer assistant and get experiences that way.
If you have some academic issues where you have to withdraw a semester or a year and talk about having a bipolar issue, the medical school might wonder if you’re going to be able to finish medical school in four years.
You don’t want to give medical schools any ammo to say no. But with that said, you have to tell your story.
If your story involves being bipolar and that is why you want to be a physician, then you can’t avoid that in telling your story. The goal of your personal statement is to talk about why you want to be a physician. There can be a little loophole and your mom is bipolar too and you can talk about your mom.
At the end of the day, the question comes down to who you are as a person and what you want to talk about. Are you going to need accommodations?
Or do you want to screen out schools that are going to reject you based on that? Then you know that they’re not going to be very friendly if you do have issues during medical school.
You can be more open and honest about it, to begin with, knowing that you may get more rejections because of it. But if you do get some interviews and acceptances, you know they already accepted you for who you are.
If, for instance, you got a DUI, you can probably prove this by being involved in some sort of anti-drug-driving campaign. It can be hard. But prove it by not doing it again.
'It's hard to learn from a mistake when you keep making it.'Click To TweetDepending on your mistake, it’s hard to prove that you’ve learned from it other than not making that mistake again.
Go get your experiences. Paid versus volunteer experiences make zero difference. There are some schools that really like volunteer hours outside of clinical stuff like going and volunteering at Habitat or the soup kitchen, etc.
Don’t let taking a gap year to be your reason for helping you with your application. It’s what medical schools want to see. The data shows that about 60% of students are taking gap years now. They’re becoming more and more popular.
'Students think they need to take a gap year to get into medical school. It isn't true.'Click To TweetYou need to take a gap year if you need to take a gap year. If you want to take a gap year because you want to travel or you need a break then go do that. It may look to medical schools that you’re burnt out. And are you going to be burned out again in medical school?
Many students defer taking the MCAT during the normal timeframe and they will just take it after their graduate. So they purposefully take a gap year to work on the MCAT and work and get other experiences. That’s totally fine. But don’t do it just because you think it’s going to help you get into medical school.
Don’t do a gap year and just go backpack through Europe. Keep your foot in the door in medicine with shadowing and clinical experiences.
The consistency of clinical experience and shadowing is really important. It doesn’t mean 20 hours a week. It can mean 5 hours a month.
If you can start forming groups around other people and know that you’re meeting up with other students who aren’t going to cut you down then that will help.
Medical school is much more colalborative. Everyone in medical school is there and happy. A lot of medical schools are going pass/fail. They’re not ranking their students anymore.
If you want to study abroad then go do it. But don’t just do it to help you with your application. But studying abroad is a great experience. It adds to your story and you get experiences of other healthcare systems.
Ultimately, keep moving forward! Keep dreaming and keep succeeding!
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I just received my admission to XXXXX! This is unreal and almost feels like I am dreaming. I want to thank you for all of your help with my application. I cannot overstate how influential your guidance and insight have been with this result and I am eternally grateful for your support!
IM SO HAPPY!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HELP, IM INDEBTED TO YOU! Truly, thank you so much for all your help. Thank you doesnt do enough.
I want to take a few moments and thank you for all of your very instructive, kind and consistent feedback and support through my applications and it is your wishes, feedback, and most importantly your blessings that have landed me the acceptance!
I got into XXXXX this morning!!!! It still has not hit me that I will be a doctor now!! Thank you for all your help, your words and motivation have brought me to this point.
I wanted to once again express my heartfelt gratitude for your help in providing feedback during my secondary applications. Your guidance has been instrumental in my journey.
Just wanted to share my wonderful news! I received my first medical school acceptance! Thank you for all that you do for us Application Academy!!!
I am excited to tell you that I just got my third interview invite from XXXXX today! I can’t believe it. I didn’t even know if I was good enough to get one, let alone three – by mid-September. Thank you so much for all of your help and support up to this point; I would not be in this position without it!!
I wanted to thank you for helping me prepare for my XXXXX interview. Even in a 30-minute advising session, I learned so much from you. Thank you for believing in me, and here’s to another potential success story from one of your advisees!
I just received an acceptance with XXXXX! This is so exciting and such a huge relief and so nice to have one of our top choice schools! I also received an interview with XXXXX which brings the total up to 20 interviews! Thank so much, none of this would have been possible without you!
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