Disclosing a DUI Didn’t Hold Him Back from Med School
Session 319 Matt is a premed with multiple acceptances to med school, even with a…
MCAT CARS and What’s Happening to Scientific Research
Session 11 Link to the full article: https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/three-trends-threaten-science-research-by-jeremy-j-baumberg–2018–09 Scientific knowledge and technological innovation, as Yuval…
We Use Our MCAT CARS Skills to Read About an Author
Session 10 Link to the full article: https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/rivalry-feud/varieties-ether In 1931 Pearl S. Buck published the…
How Does Affirmative Action Affect Medical School Admissions
Session 158 This week, our poster is from Canada planning to apply to medical school…
The Pros and Cons of Global Healthcare Experiences
Session 318 Lawson is the executive director at Atlantis, a leading global healthcare experience fellowship…
Pastor To Aspiring Physician: Discussing Faith In Apps
Session 157 As a pastor, his faith which is rooted in serving others is the…
Do Longer Books Equal Better Books? Using Our MCAT Skills
Session 09 Link to the full article: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/sep/21/the-guardian-view-on-lengthening-books-read-them-and-weep At 500 pages, The Overstory is a…
Building Better Study Skills for the Sciences and MCAT
Session 317 Kathleen is an expert in helping premeds and medical students better prepare for…
Attending A Premed Conference as an OldPreMed
Session 156 As an older applicant, are there benefits to attending a premed conference? Can…
CARS Skills to Learn if All Famous People Have Footnotes
Session 08 Link to the full article: https://www.commonwealmagazine.org/footnotes The famous,” wrote Elizabeth Hardwick in her…