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Highlight & Takeaways

Original Article: How Premeds Find Their Med Schools

Finding the Med School You Want to Attend

husky photo
Hello, I’m not @$!@#$ing interested in your grades! Photo by JSF539 





Among the biggest projects  premeds face: not just getting into medical school, but getting into one that meets their needs.  Do they want a school strong in service learning activities?  Will they be happy in a system that recognizes academics first and foremost?  Is the location more important than other factors?  These are only a few of the factors that go into the decision…and Dave’s co-hosts couldn’t care less about them.  There were only two things that once-premeds-now-M1s Kyle Leubka, Gabriel Conley, Joyce Wahba and Eric Schnieders were most interested in. Listeners Ryan and Michelle called in to pitch show ideas.  Ryan wants a show about Technology, Business, and Policy (he’s a podcaster at the University of Pennsylvania medical school…check them out).  And Michelle wants to know whether her currently well-cared-for Husky will survive having a med student owner.  Watch for future episodes, guys!


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