The F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine is the Nation’s federal school of medicine and is committed to excellence in military medicine and public health during periods of peace and war. We provide the Nation with health professionals dedicated to career service in the Department of Defense and the United States Public Health Service and with scientists who serve the common good. We serve the uniformed services and the Nation as a premier school of medicine with a worldwide perspective for education, research, service, and consultation; we are unique in relating these activities to military medicine, disaster medicine, and military medical readiness.
The F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine is the Nation’s medical school, recognized as the leader in the education of physicians and scientists to care for those in harm’s way in a rapidly evolving global frontier.
Primary Deadline: Usually around Nov 1st
Secondary Deadline: 21 days of the date of your email notification that the supplemental application is available
Secondary Fee: No Fee
FAP Waiver:
Casper Required: No
PREview Required: No
Screens Applications: No
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