We prepare physicians committed to improving the health and wellness of your family and your community through creative teaching, innovative research and quality clinical care.
Cultivate a culture of curiosity and commitment to others to transform the health and wellness of communities.
Primary Deadline: Usually around Nov 1st
Secondary Deadline: Usually around Dec 15th
Secondary Fee: $95
FAP Waiver: Full Fee Waived
Casper Required: No
PREview Required: No
Screens Applications: Yes
Accepts Application Updates: Yes/USCGSOM Website
Question 3: Are you currently, or have you ever been subject to disciplinary action at a college or professional school that did not result in academic probation or dismissal? (5000 characters)
Question 3a: If you answered ‘Yes’ to Question 3, please provide a brief description. (If not applicable, please write N/A)
Question 4: Have you ever been placed on academic probation at or dismissed from a college or professional school? (5000 characters)
Question 4a: If you answered ‘Yes’ to Question 4, please provide an explanation of the event and final outcome. (If not applicable, please write N/A)
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