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Books for Premeds If you haven’t already read our first post – 10 Books Every Premeds Should Read – go ahead and do that too!

Here are some more books that we have come across that give you some info into life as a doctor and medical student.

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[easyazon_link identifier=”0547053649″ locale=”US” tag=”medicschooh0b-20″]How Doctors Think, by Jerome E. Groopman[/easyazon_link] [easyazon_cta align=”none” identifier=”0547053649″ key=”small-light” locale=”US” tag=”medicschooh0b-20″]

Dr. Groopman is the Chair of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and is a staff writer in medicine and biology for The New Yorker. He also has published approximately 150 scientific articles and has written several Op-Ed pieces on medicine for The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The New Republic. I think he may have a thing or two to say about medicine!

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[easyazon_link identifier=”0805095152″ locale=”US” tag=”medicschooh0b-20″]Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, by Atul Guwande[/easyazon_link] [easyazon_cta align=”none” identifier=”0805095152″ key=”small-light” locale=”US” tag=”medicschooh0b-20″]

Dr. Atul Guwande had several books on our other premed book list, and this new book of his definitely belongs here as well. Caring for somebody at the end of their life is a hard thing to do, and a very delicate task. It’s something that Allison and I have covered on our premed podcast.

[smart_track_player url=”″ color=”004075″ title=”Palliative Care – There is Always Something You Can Provide” artist=”The Medical School Headquarters” ]

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[easyazon_link identifier=”0310214696″ locale=”US” tag=”medicschooh0b-20″]Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story[/easyazon_link][easyazon_cta align=”none” identifier=”0310214696″ key=”small-light” locale=”US” tag=”medicschooh0b-20″]

Dr. Ben Carson is a famous surgeon, who’s story was told in a Cuba Gooding Jr movie, [easyazon_link identifier=”B002D755AI” locale=”US” tag=”medicschooh0b-20″]Gifted Hands[/easyazon_link]. He currently is more politician than surgeon, but his story is a great read.

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[easyazon_link identifier=”B004O0UD7M” locale=”US” tag=”medicschooh0b-20″]If Disney Ran Your Hospital: 9 1/2 Things You Would Do Differently[/easyazon_link][easyazon_cta align=”none” identifier=”B004O0UD7M” key=”small-light” locale=”US” tag=”medicschooh0b-20″]

Being a good doctor doesn’t mean just being a good doctor. It means knowing how to work as a team. Knowing how to improve patient satisfaction, improving processes and system and so much more. This book will help you dive into those topics. I guarantee you reading this book will give you so much more insight as you go on your journey!

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[easyazon_link identifier=”044922290X” locale=”US” tag=”medicschooh0b-20″]First, Do No Harm: The Dramatic Story of Real Doctors and Patients Making Impossible Choices at a Big-City Hospital[/easyazon_link][easyazon_cta align=”none” identifier=”044922290X” key=”small-light” locale=”US” tag=”medicschooh0b-20″]

Difficult conversations and difficult choices arise almost everyday as a physician. Lisa Belkin takes a look at these decisions and how it affects everybody involved.

NPR’s Affordable Care Act Coverage

The ACA (or Obama Care, as it’s known) can be a big topic of conversation during your interviews. Stay on top of the information with some this great series of articles put together by NPR.

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Right now, Carlos Tapia, former Director of Admissions at TCU and former Director of Student Affairs at Icahn Mount Sinai, and Courtney Lewis, former Director of Admissions at Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine are the two advisor who have remaining availability. Both are experts at helping their students get into great medical schools across the country, both MD and DO! Dr. Crispen and Deana Golini are available on a case-by-case basis for 20-hour package students. Remember, we're a small team and everyone on the team has amazing admissions experience and a proven track record of getting students into med schools across the country!