

The Dark Side of Medical Education – Premed Through Residency

Ryan and Allison talk about pimping, scut work, humiliation and more as they discuss mistreatment in the medical education process, from premed through residency.
Starting the Journey to Med School at 38, Taking the First Steps

Starting the Journey to Med School at 38, Taking the First Steps

Ben Abney is currently serving in the US Navy, but will embark on a journey to med school in the Fall. He shares his premed story and advice with us today.

5 Traits Patients Want Their Doctors to Have

Allison and Ryan talk about a new diagnosis and how as a patient, Ryan wanted things from his physician that fell short, causing him to seek a second opinion.
What Are My Chances of Getting into Med School?

What Are My Chances of Getting into Med School?

What are my chances is one of the most wasted questions premeds ask about getting into medical school. It's a stat nobody can tell you, because you're unique.
1st Year of Medical School for a Nontraditional Premed

1st Year of Medical School for a Nontraditional Premed

Carrie is finishing her 1st year of med school at the young age of 36. She started on her premed journey at 33 and is showing you why it's never too late!

A Non-Traditional Path Into Medical School

Jordan Rennicke talks about his path into medicine, including a couple detours he took along the way. After looking into physical therapy and being a PA, Jordan came full circle back to medicine and is starting medical school this fall!

A Look Into the Pharmaceutical Industry with a Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Al Sandrock joins us today to talk about some of the options available to physicians in "industry" and what you can do to get some experience today.

Crushing the Myths of TV Doctor Dramas

Allison and I tackle something that we always gripe about - Medical TV Dramas. If you want to be a doctor because of one of these shows, you must listen to this.

7 Tips to Running a Successful Family Meeting

Allison and I build upon Session 69 and talk about the family meeting. It is during these family meetings that you must have the art of communication down. Family meetings are what many families remember the most of a loved ones hospital stay, so you owe them the best possible experience.

Palliative Care – There is Always Something You Can Provide

We talk about palliative care and how as physicians we have a huge impact on the experiences that patients and family members have with end-of-life care.